Do you know how to write an email when prospects go dark? Today I’m going to talk about what to do once you have a call with somebody and they won’t answer your email.
I’m going to run through the exact scripts we used to follow up with people using an actual example in the following video.
You can also check the script in this article.
How to write an email when your prospects don’t answer:
If a week or so has passed without news about your interested clients, send an email to schedule a meeting that week.
These emails have about 50% to 75% response rate. Try to use the following short script to get your clients back:

How to write an email that your prospects will answer
What we’ll do if people don’t answer this email?
Like I said, most people would answer unless they are fully in their stuff, heads-down mode, ignoring you, or super busy or something.
Accordingly, I’ll send this email:

How to write an email that your prospects will answer
This is just a few days after that first email, just giving him a little bit of value and trying to get them on the phone.
Finally, I’ll send this email about a week later:

How to write an email that your prospects will answer
I’d send a direct link to my Calendly and use my Youtube Channel on these follow-ups.
Next, I’ll jump into the mail merge in Yesware and show you how exactly I use these:

How to write an email that your prospects will answer
Those are the first three that you saw, then I’m just copy-pasting and changing the video I’m sending to people.
You saw the Behance one. Then, I’ll send another email almost exactly the same two weeks later:

How to write an email that your prospects will answer
Schedule a Monthly Email Sending
Right after the above, start sending them every 30 days.
Once a month, people get an email from us with a new video until they tell us to unsubscribe or they respond and hop on a call.
This is not our cold email follow-up strategy, this is for people that we talk to on the phone that have expressed interest and then have gone completely dark on us.
This can be somewhat aggressive, which shouldn’t be for cold emailing. So if you read the cold email follow-up blog post, you’ll realize that.
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If the above didn’t prove to work…
In case you have clients that showed interest and then went dark, you can try this as the last resource:

How to write an email that your prospects will answer
Most of these people will get back to you. If my experience serves as any indication, at least 50% of the people that you think have gone forever will get back to a short email like this and then you can get them on a phone call.
Or maybe you could get an insight of what’s going on in their lives and why they aren’t buying from you.
How did it go? Let me know in the comments! Did send the script? Did you follow it up? Did you get any money from them? I’d like to know!
3 Reasons Qualified Prospects Go Dark (And How to Get Them Back)