Old Email:

Subject: A Favor to Ask?
Hi Alex, 

I saw that you filled out a form on our website with your contact information. I was wondering if you would do me the favor of letting me know what motivated you do to so? If you are looking to evaluate salesforce I’d like to save you time. If you filled out the form for another reason I’d like to know that too, so that I can help you in the best way possible. I look forward to hearing back from you. 

Louis Riley
Sales Representative
+1 (415) 589-4389

New Email:
Subject: Hi Alex – Salesforce and InspireBeats
Hi Alex, 
Saw you downloaded kz whitepaper name – it’s great one.

Are you thinking about switching to Salesforce? No matter where you are in the process, I’d love to help with the decision wherever I can. In my experience a 10 minute call will save your team hours of research.

Let me know if you’re interested and I can send over a few times – otherwise, have a great day.
Cheers and looking forward!
-Louis Riley
Sales Representative
+1 (415) 589-4389

About The Author

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Alex Berman is the founder and chief content creator of X27 Marketing. He is passionate about promoting efficient B2B lead generation channels and executing on data-driven strategies for his clients.